Indian Army Major said "No Thanks" to Donald Trump when Donald Trump wanted to become a referee in India China border standoff

Donald Trump tries to mediate the border issue between India and China but Indian Army retired major Gaurav Arya  said "No thanks" to Donald Trump.

India and China is the world 1st and 2nd most populous country and trying to become next Superpowers and spend lot of money on it's defence. On the border dispute catching lot of eyes on the dispute including US President Donald Trump.

Donald Trump wants to mediate the dispute between India and China as he wanted to do in Kashmir earlier in between Indian and Pakistan. But Indian government categorically said "We didn't want any third party to mediate over two neighbours bilateral matter".

Now again Donald Trump wants mediate between two nations bilateral matter.Before the official statement of the Indian Government came. Indian Army retired major Gaurav Arya said "We can manage our own affairs. Thank You".What will the the official Government responds to the Donald Trump that will be crucial.