In 1946, the Great Calcutta Killings and Noahkhali Massacre resulted in the largest religiously targeted killing of Hindus in pre-independent India. 


Now in 2021, the horror of Noahkhali is being repeated as Hindus run for their lives and goons in Bangladesh target Durga Puja pandals and celebrations and vandalise them. Hindus, being a minority in Bangladesh, are being targeted and made to run for their lives. 

This is the second attack on the Hindus that has been reported in Bangladesh. Earlier, where a Durga Puja Mandap and the idols were vandalised. 

These inhumane groups also targetted the Ram Thakur Ashram, the ISCKON temple in Noakhali resulting in the death of two ISCKON priests Nitai Das Prabhu and Jatin Saha Prabhu. Reports of one more death of a Hindu person surfacing. 

ISKCON confirmed the death of Partha Das - 25-years-old devotee. He was brutally killed by a mob of 200. His body was recovered today near a pond next to the temple. 

In a heart-wrenching video, a Hindu-Bengali woman in Bangladesh breaks down as she questions the Sheikh Hasina Government that whatever is happening is not on the lines of Bangabandhu's ideals, then why is she quiet? 

"Can't we celebrate just one festival of ours?", she asked in a disdainful voice as the pandals and idols were vandalised across Bangladesh.